import 'colors'; import { transports, createLogger, format } from 'winston'; import { LOG_LEVEL } from './env.js'; let tempLogger; try { const { combine, label, printf, colorize } = format; /* Logger setup */ const transport = new transports.Console({ colorize: true }); const logFormat = printf((info) => `[${info.label}] ${info.level}: ${info.message}`); tempLogger = createLogger({ format: combine(colorize(), label({ label: 'WS'.brightBlue }), logFormat), transports: [transport], }); tempLogger.level = LOG_LEVEL; } catch (e) { tempLogger = console; } export const logger = tempLogger; /** * Group an array by a field value * @param {Object[]} array array of objects to broup * @param {string} field field to group by * @returns {Object} [description] */ export const groupBy = (array, field) => { const grouped = {}; if (!array) return undefined; array.forEach((item) => { const fVal = item[field]; if (!grouped[fVal]) { grouped[fVal] = []; } grouped[fVal].push(item); }); return grouped; }; const allowedDeviation = 30000; /** * Validate that b is between a and c * @param {Date} a The first Date, should be the last time things were updated * @param {Date} b The second Date, should be the activation time of an event * @param {Date} c The third Date, should be the start time of this update cycle * @returns {boolean} if the event date is between the server start time and the last update time */ export const between = (a, b, c = new Date()) => b + allowedDeviation > a && b - allowedDeviation < c; /** * Returns the number of milliseconds between now and a given date * @param {string} d The date from which the current time will be subtracted * @param {function} [now] A function that returns the current UNIX time in milliseconds * @returns {number} */ export function fromNow(d, now = { return new Date(d).getTime() - now(); } /** * Map of last updated dates/times * @type {Object} */ export const lastUpdated = { pc: { en: 0, //, }, ps4: { en:, }, xb1: { en:, }, swi: { en:, }, };