import { logger } from '../../utilities/index.js'; /** * External mission data retrieved from * @typedef {Object} ExternalMission * @property {Date} activation start time * @property {Date} expiry end timer * @property {string} node formatted node name with planet * @property {string} enemy Enemy on tile * @property {string} type Mission type of node * @property {boolean} archwing whether or not the tile requires archwing * @property {boolean} sharkwing whether or not the tile requires * sumbersible archwing */ export const fissures = (fissure) => `fissures.t${fissure.tierNum}.${(fissure.missionType || '').toLowerCase()}`; export const enemies = (acolyte) => ({ eventKey: `enemies${acolyte.isDiscovered ? '' : '.departed'}`, activation: acolyte.lastDiscoveredAt, }); /** * Parse an arbitration for its key * @param {ExternalMission} arbi arbitration data to parse * @returns {string} */ export const arbitration = (arbi) => { if (!arbi?.enemy) return ''; let k; try { k = `arbitration.${arbi.enemy.toLowerCase()}.${arbi.type.replace(/\s/g, '').toLowerCase()}`; } catch (e) { logger.error(`Unable to parse arbitraion: ${JSON.stringify(arbi)}\n${e}`); } return k; }; export const events = 'operations'; export const persistentEnemies = 'enemies';