import { fromNow, parseDate, faction, languageString, node, syndicate } from 'warframe-worldstate-data/utilities'; import mdConfig from '../supporting/MarkdownSettings.js'; import WorldstateObject from './WorldstateObject.js'; import SyndicateJob from './SyndicateJob.js'; import Reward from './Reward.js'; /** * Interim step for an event reward system. * @typedef {object} InterimStep * @property {number} goal Goal amount * @property {Reward} reward Reward for reaching the step * @property {number} winnerCount Amount of players at this step * @property {object} message Message received when reaching the interim step */ /** * Progress for one of multiple stages * @typedef {object} ProgressStep * @property {string} type Type of progress * @property {number} progressAmt Amount of progress */ /** * Represents an in-game special event * @augments {WorldstateObject} */ export default class WorldEvent extends WorldstateObject { /** * Asynchronously build a new WorldEvent * @param {object} data The event data * @param {object} deps The dependencies object * @param {string} deps.locale Locale to use for translations * @returns {Promise.<WorldEvent>} The created WorldEvent object */ static async build(data, deps) { const event = new WorldEvent(data, deps); if (data.Jobs) { const jobs = []; // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax for await (const job of data.Jobs ?? []) { jobs.push(await, event.expiry, deps)); } = jobs; } if (data.PreviousJobs) { const previousJobs = []; // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax for await (const job of data.PreviousJobs ?? []) { previousJobs.push(await, event.expiry, deps)); } event.previousJobs = previousJobs; } return event; } /** * @param {object} data The event data * @param {object} deps The dependencies object * @param {string} deps.locale Locale to use for translations */ constructor(data, { locale = 'en' } = { locale: 'en' }) { super(data); const opts = { locale, }; /** * The date and time at which the event ends * @type {Date} */ this.expiry = parseDate(data.Expiry); /** * The event's main score goal * @type {number} */ this.maximumScore = Number.parseInt(data.Goal, 10); /** * The current score on the event * @type {number} */ this.currentScore = Number.parseInt(data.Count, 10); /** * The first intermediate score goal * @type {?number} */ this.smallInterval = Number.parseInt(data.GoalInterim, 10); /** * The second intermediate score goal * @type {?number} */ this.largeInterval = Number.parseInt(data.GoalInterim2, 10); /** * The faction that the players must fight in the event * @type {string} */ this.faction = faction(data.Faction, locale); /** * The description of the event * @type {string} */ this.description = languageString(data.Desc, locale); /** * Tooltip for the event * @type {?string} */ this.tooltip = languageString(data.ToolTip, locale); /** * The node where the event takes place * @type {?string} */ this.node = node(data.Node, locale); /** * The other nodes where the event takes place * @type {string[]} */ this.concurrentNodes = data.ConcurrentNodes ? => node(n), locale) : []; /** * The victim node * @type {?string} */ this.victimNode = node(data.VictimNode, locale); /** * The score description * @type {?string} */ this.scoreLocTag = data.Fomorian ? 'Fomorian Assault Score' : languageString(data.ScoreLocTag, locale); /** * The event's rewards * @type {Reward[]} */ this.rewards = Object.keys(data) .filter((k) => k.includes('Reward') || k.includes('reward')) .map((k) => new Reward(data[k], opts)); /** * Whether or not this is expired (at time of object creation) * @type {boolean} */ this.expired = this.getExpired(); /** * Health remaining for the target * @type {number} */ = typeof data.HealthPct !== 'undefined' ? Number.parseFloat(((data.HealthPct || 0.0) * 100).toFixed(2)) : undefined; = []; this.previousJobs = []; /** * Previous job id * @type {string} */ this.previousId = (data.JobPreviousVersion || {}).$oid; /** * Array of steps * @type {InterimStep[]} */ this.interimSteps = []; (data.InterimRewards || []).forEach((reward, index) => { const msg = (data.InterimRewardMessages || [])[index] || {}; this.interimSteps[index] = { goal: Number.parseInt(data.InterimGoals[index], 10), reward: reward ? new Reward(reward, opts) : undefined, message: { sender: languageString(msg.sender, locale), subject: languageString(msg.subject, locale), message: languageString(msg.message, locale), senderIcon: msg.senderIcon, attachments: msg.attachments, }, // eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle winnerCount: (data._interimWinnerCounts || [])[index], }; }); /** * Progress Steps, if any are present * @type {ProgressStep[]} */ this.progressSteps = []; if (data.IsMultiProgress) { data.Types.forEach((type, index) => { this.progressSteps[index] = { type: languageString(type, locale), progressAmt: Number.parseInt(data.MultiProgress[index], 10), }; }); /** * Total of all MultiProgress * @type {number} */ this.progressTotal = Number.parseFloat(data.MultiProgress.reduce((accumulator, val) => accumulator + val)); } /** * Whether to show the total score at the end of the mission * @type {boolean} */ this.showTotalAtEndOfMission = data.ShowTotalAtEOM; /** * Whether the event is personal * @type {boolean} */ this.isPersonal = data.Personal; /** * Whether the event is community * @type {boolean} */ this.isCommunity = data.Community; /* * Affectors for this mission * @type {string[]} */ this.regionDrops = (data.RegionDrops || []).map((drop) => languageString(drop, locale)); /** * Archwing Drops in effect while this event is active * @type {string[]} */ this.archwingDrops = (data.ArchwingDrops || []).map((drop) => languageString(drop, locale)); this.asString = this.toString(); /** * Metadata provided by DE * @type {object} */ this.metadata = JSON.parse((data.Metadata || '{}').replace('" ', '"')); /** * Bonuses given for completion * @type {Array.<number>} */ this.completionBonuses = data.CompletionBonus || []; this.scoreVar = data.ScoreVar; this.altExpiry = parseDate(data.AltExpiry); this.altActivation = parseDate(data.AltActivation); this.nextAlt = { expiry: parseDate(data.NextAltExpiry), activation: parseDate(data.NextAltActivation), }; if (data.JobAffiliationTag) { this.affiliatedWith = syndicate(data.JobAffiliationTag, locale); } /** * The event's tag * @type {string} */ this.tag = data.Tag; } /** * Get whether the event has expired * @returns {boolean} whether the event has expired */ getExpired() { return fromNow(this.expiry) < 0; } /** * The event's string representation * @returns {string} the event's string representation */ toString() { let lines = []; if (this.faction) { lines.push(`${this.description} : ${this.faction}`); } else { lines.push(this.description); } if (this.scoreLocTag && this.maximumScore) { lines.push(`${this.scoreLocTag} : ${this.maximumScore}`); } if (this.rewards.length) { lines.push('Rewards:'); lines = lines.concat( => r.toString())); } if (this.node) { lines.push(`Battle on ${this.node}`); } if (this.victim) { lines.push(`Protect ${this.victimNode}`); } if ( { lines.push(`${}% Remaining`); } if (this.affiliatedWith && { lines.push( `${this.affiliatedWith} will reward you for performing ` + `${ => job.type).join(', ')} job${ > 1 ? 's' : ''}` ); } return lines.join(mdConfig.lineEnd); } }