import { timeDeltaToString, steelPath } from 'warframe-worldstate-data/utilities'; const monday = 1; /** * Gets the first day of the week * @returns {Date} first day of the week */ function getFirstDayOfWeek() { const resultDate = new Date(); /* istanbul ignore next */ const offset = resultDate.getUTCDay() === 0 ? 6 : resultDate.getUTCDay() - monday; resultDate.setUTCDate(resultDate.getUTCDate() - offset); resultDate.setUTCHours(0); resultDate.setUTCMinutes(0); resultDate.setUTCSeconds(0); resultDate.setUTCMilliseconds(0); return resultDate; } /** * Get the last day of the week * @returns {Date} last day of the week */ function getLastDayOfWeek() { const last = new Date(getFirstDayOfWeek()); last.setUTCDate(last.getUTCDate() + 6); last.setUTCHours(23); last.setUTCMinutes(59); last.setUTCSeconds(59); last.setUTCMilliseconds(0); return last; } /** * When was the start of the day * @returns {Date} start of the day */ function getStartOfDay() { const today = new Date(); today.setUTCHours(0); today.setUTCMinutes(0); today.setUTCSeconds(0); today.setUTCMilliseconds(0); return today; } /** * When was the end of the day * @returns {Date} end of the day */ function getEndOfDay() { const last = new Date(); last.setUTCHours(23); last.setUTCMinutes(59); last.setUTCSeconds(59); last.setUTCMilliseconds(0); return last; } /** * Start of Steel Path cycle calculations * @type {Date} */ const start = new Date('2020-11-16T00:00:00.000Z'); export default class SteelPathOffering { constructor({ locale }) { const sSinceStart = ( - start.getTime()) / 1000; const eightWeeks = 4838400; const sevenDays = 604800; const ind = Math.floor((sSinceStart % eightWeeks) / sevenDays); this.currentReward = steelPath(locale).rotation[ind]; this.activation = getFirstDayOfWeek(); this.expiry = getLastDayOfWeek(); this.remaining = timeDeltaToString(this.expiry.getTime() -; this.rotation = steelPath(locale).rotation; this.evergreens = steelPath(locale).evergreen; /** * General data pertaining to incursions * @type {object} * @property {string} id Identifier for steel path incursion based on start of day. * @property {Date} activation when the current incursions became active * @property {Date} expiry when the current incursions become inactive */ this.incursions = { id: `spi:${getStartOfDay().getTime()}`, activation: getStartOfDay(), expiry: getEndOfDay(), }; } }