import wsData from 'warframe-worldstate-data'; import { fromNow, parseDate, timeDeltaToString, languageString, sortieBoss, sortieFaction, } from 'warframe-worldstate-data/utilities'; import mdConfig from '../supporting/MarkdownSettings.js'; import WorldstateObject from './WorldstateObject.js'; import SortieVariant from './SortieVariant.js'; import Mission from './Mission.js'; const { sortie: sortieData } = wsData; /** * Represents a daily sortie * @augments {WorldstateObject} */ export default class Sortie extends WorldstateObject { /** * @param {object} data The data for all daily sorties * @param {object} deps The dependencies object * @param {string} deps.locale Locale to use for translations */ constructor(data, { locale = 'en' } = { locale: 'en' }) { super(data); const opts = { mdConfig, sortieData, locale, }; /** * The date and time at which the sortie starts * @type {Date} */ this.activation = parseDate(data.Activation); /** * The date and time at which the sortie ends * @type {Date} */ this.expiry = parseDate(data.Expiry); /** * The sortie's reward pool * @type {string} */ this.rewardPool = languageString(data.Reward, locale); /** * The sortie's variants * @type {Array.<SortieVariant>} */ this.variants = (data.Variants ?? []).map((v) => new SortieVariant(v, opts)); this.missions = (data.Missions ?? []).map((v) => new Mission(v, opts)); /** * The sortie's boss * @type {string} */ this.boss = sortieBoss(data.Boss, locale); /** * The sortie's faction * @type {string} */ this.faction = sortieFaction(data.Boss, locale); /** * The sortie's faction * @type {string} */ this.factionKey = sortieFaction(data.Boss, 'en'); /** * Whether this is expired (at time of object creation) * @type {boolean} */ this.expired = this.isExpired(); /** * ETA string (at time of object creation) * @type {string} */ this.eta = this.getETAString(); } /** * Get the sortie's boss * @returns {string} the sortie's boss */ getBoss() { return this.boss; } /** * Get the sortie's faction * @returns {string} the sortie's faction */ getFaction() { return this.faction; } /** * Gets a string indicating how long it will take for the sortie to end * @returns {string} estimated time of arrival */ getETAString() { return timeDeltaToString(fromNow(this.expiry)); } /** * Get whether or not the sortie has expired * @returns {boolean} whether the sortie has expired */ isExpired() { return fromNow(this.expiry) < 0; } /** * Returns the sortie's string representation * @returns {string} the string representation */ toString() { if (this.isExpired()) { return `${mdConfig.codeBlock}There's currently no sortie${mdConfig.blockEnd}`; } const variantString = => v.toString()).join(''); return ( `${mdConfig.codeBlock}${this.getBoss()}: ends in ${this.getETAString()}` + `${mdConfig.doubleReturn}${variantString}${mdConfig.blockEnd}` ); } }