import { createHash } from 'node:crypto'; import { node, nodeMissionType } from 'warframe-worldstate-data/utilities'; /** * External mission data retrieved from * @typedef {object} ExternalMission * @property {Date} activation start time * @property {Date} expiry end timer * @property {string} node formatted node name with planet * @property {string} enemy Enemy on tile * @property {string} type Mission type of node * @property {boolean} archwing whether or not the tile requires archwing * @property {boolean} sharkwing whether or not the tile requires * sumbersible archwing */ /** * Stores and parses kuva data from * @typedef {object} Kuva * @property {ExternalMission[]} kuva currently active kuva missions * @property {ExternalMission} arbitration current arbitration */ const HOURS_2 = 7200000; /** * Truncate time for a semlar-provided mission * @param {object} mission parsed mission with re-aligned field names */ const truncateTime = (mission) => { mission.expiry.setHours(mission.activation.getHours() + 1); mission.expiry.setMinutes(4); mission.expiry.setSeconds(0); mission.expiry.setMilliseconds(0); mission.activation.setMinutes(mission.activation.getMinutes() + 5.1); }; /** * Scrub unnecessary details from the mission * @param {object} mission parsed mission with re-aligned field names */ const scrub = (mission) => { /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */ delete mission.solnode; delete; delete mission.node_type; delete mission.tile; delete mission.planet; /* eslint-enable no-param-reassign */ }; const hash = (str) => createHash('sha256').update(str, 'utf8').digest('hex'); /** * Parse kuva & arbitration data * @param {object} data Data to split for kuva/arbitration * @param {string} locale locale to translate * @returns {Kuva} Split parsed data */ const parse = (data, locale) => { const parsed = { kuva: [], arbitration: {} }; const now = new Date(); data.forEach((mission) => { const p = { activation: new Date(mission.start), expiry: new Date(mission.end), ...mission.solnodedata, node: node(mission.solnode, locale), nodeKey: node(mission.solnode, 'en'), type: nodeMissionType(mission.solnode, locale), typeKey: nodeMissionType(mission.solnode, 'en'), }; truncateTime(p); = hash(JSON.stringify(p)); p.expired = - p.expiry.getTime() < 0; if ( p.activation < now && now < p.expiry && new Date(p.activation.getTime() + HOURS_2) > now && new Date(p.expiry.getTime() - HOURS_2) < now ) { if (mission.missiontype === 'EliteAlertMission') { // if the diff is less than 2 hours? parsed.arbitration = p; } if (mission.missiontype.startsWith('KuvaMission')) parsed.kuva.push(p); } scrub(p); }); parsed.kuva = Array.from(new Set(parsed.kuva)); return parsed; }; /** * Stores and parses kuva data from * @property {ExternalMission[]} kuva currently active kuva missions * @property {ExternalMission} arbitration current arbitration */ export default class Kuva { #locale; constructor({ kuvaData, locale, logger }) { /** * The locale to leverage for translations * @type {string} * @private */ this.#locale = locale; if (!kuvaData) { // eslint-ignore-next-line no-console logger.debug('No defined kuva data, skipping data'); } else { const parsed = parse(kuvaData, this.locale); ({ kuva: this.kuva, arbitration: this.arbitration } = parsed); } } }