Source: models/CambionCycle.js

import { fromNow } from 'warframe-worldstate-data/utilities';

import WorldstateObject from './WorldstateObject.js';

 * Represents the current Cambion Drift Fass/Vome Cycle
 * @augments {WorldstateObject}
 * @property {string} timeLeft time rendering of amount of time left
export default class CambionCycle extends WorldstateObject {
   * @param   {CetusCycle}        cetusCycle Match data from cetus cycle for data
  constructor(cetusCycle) {
    super({ _id: { $oid: 'cambionCycle0' } });

    ({ activation: this.activation, expiry: this.expiry, timeLeft: this.timeLeft } = cetusCycle);

    this.state = cetusCycle.isDay ? 'fass' : 'vome'; = this.state; = `cambionCycle${this.expiry.getTime()}`;

   * Get whether the event has expired
   * @returns {boolean} whether the event has expired
  getExpired() {
    return fromNow(this.expiry) < 0;