import wsData from 'warframe-worldstate-data'; import { parseDate } from 'warframe-worldstate-data/utilities'; import EarthCycle from './models/EarthCycle.js'; import CetusCycle from './models/CetusCycle.js'; import ConstructionProgress from './models/ConstructionProgress.js'; import VallisCycle from './models/VallisCycle.js'; import ZarimanCycle from './models/ZarimanCycle.js'; import Nightwave from './models/Nightwave.js'; import Kuva from './models/Kuva.js'; import SentientOutpost from './models/SentientOutpost.js'; import CambionCycle from './models/CambionCycle.js'; import SteelPathOffering from './models/SteelPathOffering.js'; import Dependency from './supporting/Dependency.js'; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars import DuviriCycle from './models/DuviriCycle.js'; import WeeklyChallenge from './models/WeeklyChallenge.js'; import Sortie from './models/Sortie.js'; import DuviriChoice from './supporting/DuviriChoice.js'; import VoidTrader from './models/VoidTrader.js'; import PersistentEnemy from './models/PersistentEnemy.js'; import ConclaveChallenge from './models/ConclaveChallenge.js'; import Simaris from './models/Simaris.js'; import DailyDeal from './models/DailyDeal.js'; import DarkSector from './models/DarkSector.js'; import Invasion from './models/Invasion.js'; import FlashSale from './models/FlashSale.js'; import GlobalUpgrade from './models/GlobalUpgrade.js'; import Fissure from './models/Fissure.js'; import SyndicateMission from './models/SyndicateMission.js'; import Alert from './models/Alert.js'; import WorldEvent from './models/WorldEvent.js'; import News from './models/News.js'; import Kinepage from './models/Kinepage.js'; import DeepArchimedea from './models/DeepArchidemea.js'; import Calendar from './models/Calendar.js'; const { sortieData } = wsData; const safeArray = (arr) => arr || []; const safeObj = (obj) => obj || {}; /** * Default Dependency object * @type {Dependency} */ const defaultDeps = { sortieData, locale: 'en', logger: console, }; /** * * @param {object} ParserClass class for parsing data * @param {Array<BaseContentObject>} dataArray array of raw data * @param {Dependency} deps shared dependency object * @param {*} [uniqueField] field to treat as unique * @returns {WorldstateObject[]} array of parsed objects */ export function parseArray(ParserClass, dataArray, deps, uniqueField) { const arr = (dataArray || []).map((d) => new ParserClass(d, deps)); if (uniqueField) { const utemp = {}; arr.sort((a, b) =>; arr.forEach((obj) => { utemp[obj[uniqueField]] = obj; }); return Array.from(arr).filter((obj) => { if (obj && && typeof !== 'undefined') return; /* istanbul ignore next */ return true; }); } return arr; } /** * Parse array of objects that requires async parsing * @param {object} ParserClass class for parsing data - must expose a static build method * @param {Array<BaseContentObject>} dataArray array of raw data * @param {Dependency} deps shared dependency object * @param {*} [uniqueField] field to treat as unique * @returns {Promise<WorldstateObject[]>} array of parsed objects */ export const parseAsyncArray = async (ParserClass, dataArray, deps, uniqueField) => { const arr = []; // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax for await (const d of dataArray ?? []) { arr.push(await, deps)); } if (uniqueField) { const utemp = {}; arr.sort((a, b) =>; arr.forEach((obj) => { utemp[obj[uniqueField]] = obj; }); return Array.from(arr).filter((obj) => { if (obj && && typeof !== 'undefined') return; /* istanbul ignore next */ return true; }); } return arr; }; /** * Parses Warframe Worldstate JSON */ export class WorldState { static async build(json, deps = defaultDeps) { const ws = new WorldState(json, deps); const data = JSON.parse(json); = await parseAsyncArray(WorldEvent, data.Goals, deps); ws.syndicateMissions = await parseAsyncArray(SyndicateMission, data.SyndicateMissions, deps, 'syndicate'); return ws; } /** * Generates the worldstate json as a string into usable objects * @param {string} json The worldstate JSON string * @param {Dependency} [deps] The options object * @class * @async */ constructor(json, deps = defaultDeps) { if (typeof json !== 'string') { throw new TypeError(`json needs to be a string, provided ${typeof json} : ${JSON.stringify(json)}`); } const data = JSON.parse(json); const tmp = JSON.parse(data.Tmp); // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign deps = { ...defaultDeps, ...deps, }; /** * The date and time at which the World State was generated * @type {Date} */ this.timestamp = new Date(data.Time * 1000); /** * The in-game news * @type {Array.<News>} */ = parseArray( News, data.Events ? data.Events.filter((e) => typeof e.Messages.find((msg) => msg.LanguageCode === deps.locale) !== 'undefined') : [], deps ); /** * The current events * @type {Array.<WorldEvent>} */ = []; /** * The current alerts * @type {Array.<Alert>} */ this.alerts = parseArray(Alert, data.Alerts, deps); /** * The current sortie * @type {Sortie} */ [this.sortie] = parseArray(Sortie, data.Sorties, deps); /** * The current syndicate missions * @type {Array.<SyndicateMission>} */ this.syndicateMissions = []; /** * The current fissures: 'ActiveMissions' & 'VoidStorms' * @type {Array.<Fissure>} */ this.fissures = parseArray(Fissure, data.ActiveMissions, deps).concat(parseArray(Fissure, data.VoidStorms, deps)); /** * The current global upgrades * @type {Array.<GlobalUpgrade>} */ this.globalUpgrades = parseArray(GlobalUpgrade, data.GlobalUpgrades, deps); /** * The current flash sales * @type {Array.<FlashSale>} */ this.flashSales = parseArray(FlashSale, data.FlashSales, deps); /** * The current invasions * @type {Array.<Invasion>} */ this.invasions = parseArray(Invasion, data.Invasions, deps); /** * The state of the dark sectors * @type {Array.<DarkSector>} */ this.darkSectors = parseArray(DarkSector, data.BadlandNodes, deps); /** * The state of all Void Traders * @type {VoidTrader[]} */ this.voidTraders = parseArray(VoidTrader, data.VoidTraders, deps).sort( (a, b) => Date.parse(a.activation) - Date.parse(b.activation) ); /** * The state of the Void Trader * @type {VoidTrader} * @deprecated */ [this.voidTrader] = this.voidTraders; /** * The current daily deals * @type {Array.<DailyDeal>} */ this.dailyDeals = parseArray(DailyDeal, data.DailyDeals, deps); /** * The state of the sanctuary synthesis targets * @type {Simaris} */ this.simaris = new Simaris(safeObj(data.LibraryInfo), deps); /** * The current conclave challenges * @type {Array.<ConclaveChallenge>} */ this.conclaveChallenges = parseArray(ConclaveChallenge, data.PVPChallengeInstances, deps); /** * The currently active persistent enemies * @type {Array.<PersistentEnemy>} */ this.persistentEnemies = parseArray(PersistentEnemy, data.PersistentEnemies, deps); /** * The current earth cycle * @type {EarthCycle} */ this.earthCycle = new EarthCycle(deps); const cetusSynd = safeArray(data.SyndicateMissions).filter((syndicate) => syndicate.Tag === 'CetusSyndicate'); const cetusBountyEnd = parseDate(cetusSynd.length > 0 ? cetusSynd[0].Expiry : { $date: 0 }); /** * The current Cetus cycle * @type {CetusCycle} */ this.cetusCycle = new CetusCycle(cetusBountyEnd, deps); /** * Cambion Drift Cycle * @type {CambionCycle} */ this.cambionCycle = new CambionCycle(this.cetusCycle, deps); const zarimanSynd = safeArray(data.SyndicateMissions).filter((syndicate) => syndicate.Tag === 'ZarimanSyndicate'); const zarimanBountyEnd = parseDate(zarimanSynd.length > 0 ? zarimanSynd[0].Expiry : { $date: 0 }); /** * The current Zariman cycle based off current time * @type {ZarimanCycle} */ this.zarimanCycle = new ZarimanCycle(zarimanBountyEnd, deps); /** * Weekly challenges * @type {Array.<WeeklyChallenge>} */ this.weeklyChallenges = data.WeeklyChallenges ? new WeeklyChallenge(data.WeeklyChallenges, deps) : []; const projectPCTwithOid = data.ProjectPct ? { ProjectPct: data.ProjectPct, _id: { $oid: `${}${data.ProjectPct[0]}`, }, } : undefined; /** * The Current construction progress for Fomorians/Razorback/etc. * @type {ConstructionProgress} */ this.constructionProgress = projectPCTwithOid ? new ConstructionProgress(projectPCTwithOid, deps) : {}; /** * The current Orb Vallis cycle state * @type {VallisCycle} */ this.vallisCycle = new VallisCycle(deps); if (data.SeasonInfo) { /** * The current nightwave season * @type {Nightwave} */ this.nightwave = new Nightwave(data.SeasonInfo, deps); } const externalMissions = new Kuva(deps); ({ /** * Kuva missions array * @type {ExternalMission[]} */ kuva: this.kuva, /** * Arbitration mission * @type {ExternalMission} */ arbitration: this.arbitration, } = externalMissions); if (!this.arbitration || !Object.keys(this.arbitration).length) { this.arbitration = { node: 'SolNode000', nodeKey: 'SolNode000', activation: new Date(0), expiry: new Date(8.64e15), enemy: 'Tenno', type: 'Unknown', typeKey: 'Unknown', archwing: false, sharkwing: false, }; } /** * Current sentient outposts * @type {SentientOutpost} */ this.sentientOutposts = new SentientOutpost(tmp.sfn, deps); /** * Steel path offering rotation * @type {SteelPathOffering} */ this.steelPath = new SteelPathOffering(deps); [this.vaultTrader] = parseArray(VoidTrader, data.PrimeVaultTraders, deps); /** * The current archon hunt * @type {Sortie} */ [this.archonHunt] = parseArray(Sortie, data.LiteSorties, deps); deps.duviriChoices = parseArray(DuviriChoice, data.EndlessXpChoices, deps); this.duviriCycle = new DuviriCycle(deps); this.kinepage = new Kinepage(tmp.pgr, deps.locale); if (tmp.lqo27) { const { activation, expiry } = this.nightwave.activeChallenges.filter((c) => !c.isDaily)[0]; /** * The current Deep Archimedea missions and modifiers * @type {DeepArchimedea} */ this.deepArchimedea = new DeepArchimedea(activation, expiry, tmp.lqo27); } this.calendar = parseArray(Calendar, data.KnownCalendarSeasons, deps); } } export default async (json, deps) =>, deps);