Source: market/v1/summary.js

const urls = {
  market: process.env.MARKET_URL_OVERRIDE || '',
  marketAssets: process.env.MARKET_ASSETS_URL_OVERRIDE || '',

 * Represents an individual component object of an item.
export default class Summary {
   * Represents an individual item.
   * @param {json} itemData the component data to parse into a summary
   * @constructor
  constructor(itemData) { = itemData.en.item_name.trim();
    this.thumbnail = `${urls.marketAssets}${itemData.thumb}`;
    this.partThumb = `${urls.marketAssets}${itemData.sub_icon}`;
    this.tradingTax = itemData.trading_tax || 0;
    this.ducats = itemData.ducats || 0;
    this.masteryLevel = itemData.mastery_level;
    this.tradable = itemData.tradable;
    this.wikiUrl = itemData.en.wiki_link;
    this.codex = itemData.en.codex;
    this.description = itemData.en.description.replace(/<\/?p>/gi, '');
    this.drops = itemData.en.drop;
    this.url = `${itemData.url_name}`;

    this.type = 'market-v1';

   * The components' string representation
   * @param {string} opt Option, either 'codex', 'item', 'location', 'all'
   * @returns {string}
  toString(opt = 'item') {
    let value =;
    if (opt === 'codex' || opt === 'all') {
      value += `\`\`\`\nCodex: ${this.codex}\n`;
    if (opt === 'item' || opt === 'all') {
      value +=
        `${this.pad(`Requires: ${this.masteryLevel}`, 15)}| Tax: ${this.pad(`${this.tradingTax}cr`)}\n` +
        `Item is ${this.tradable ? '' : ' not '} tradable\n` +
        `${this.pad(`Sold ${this.prices.soldCount} for ${this.prices.soldPrice}`, 15)}|` +
        `Minimum ${this.prices.minimum} | Maximum ${this.prices.maximum}\n`;
    if (opt === 'location' || opt === 'all') {
      value += `${this.pad(`Drops: ${ =>', ')}`, 15)}\n`;
    value += `\`\`\`\n${this.wikiUrl}`;
    return `\u221F${value}`;

  pad(str, length = 10, character = ' ') {
    let stringRet;
    if (str.length < length) {
      stringRet = this.pad(`${str}${character}`);
    } else {
      stringRet = str;
    return stringRet;