import n from 'numeral'; import MarketComponent from './market/v1/summary.js'; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars const numerFmt = '0,0'; const wfcdLogo = ''; const noResultAttachment = { type: 'rich', title: 'No result', color: 0xff55ff, url: '', footer: { text: 'Price data provided by & Warframe.Market', icon_url: wfcdLogo, }, }; const baseAttachment = { type: 'rich', title: '', color: 0xff00ff, url: '', fields: [], thumbnail: { url: '' }, footer: { icon_url: wfcdLogo, text: 'Data by & Warframe.Market', }, }; /** * Calculate the safe value for a provided value * @param {string} value provided value * @returns {string} safe value */ function safeValue(value) { return value ? `${Number.parseInt(value, 10)}p` : 'No Data'; } /** * Calculate the safe value for a provided value * @param {string} value1 provided minimum value * @param {string} value2 provided maximum value * @returns {string} safe value */ function safeRange(value1, value2) { return value1 ? `${Number.parseInt(value1, 10)}p - ${Number.parseInt(value2, 10)}p` : 'No Data'; } /** * Build a field from provided nexus & market components * @param {MarketComponent} mComponent market component * @returns {Object} built field */ function fieldValue(mComponent) { let mMedian; let mRange; if (mComponent) { mMedian = safeValue(mComponent.prices.soldPrice); mRange = safeRange(mComponent.prices.minimum, mComponent.prices.maximum); } return { name:, value: '```haskell\n' + `${'Value'.padEnd(6, ' ')} | Market\n` + `${'Median'.padEnd(6, ' ')} | ${mMedian}\n` + `${'Range'.padEnd(6, ' ')} | ${mRange}\n` + '```\n' + `Trade Tax: ${n(mComponent.tradingTax).format(numerFmt)}cr\n`, inline: false, }; } /** * Create the attachment itself */ export default class AttachmentCreator { /** * Build an attachment from the provided components * @param {Array<MarketComponent>} components - * collected array of components with market data * @param {string} query Search query that these components match * @param {string} [platform='pc'] Platform for the request, defaults to 'pc' * @returns {Object} Discord-ready attachment describing the item */ attachmentFromComponents(components, query, platform = 'pc') { if (!components || !components.length || !Array.isArray(components)) return noResultAttachment; const attachment = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(baseAttachment)); const marketComponents = components.filter( (component) => component && component.type === 'market-v1' && typeof component.prices.soldPrice !== 'undefined' ); /* istanbul ignore else */ if (marketComponents.length > 0) { marketComponents.forEach((marketComponent, index) => { if (!index) { attachment.color = parseInt(marketComponent.color, 16); attachment.title = `[${platform.toUpperCase()}] ${\sset/i, '')}`; attachment.url = marketComponent.url; attachment.thumbnail.url = marketComponent.thumbnail; } attachment.fields.push(fieldValue(marketComponent)); }); attachment.footer = { icon_url: wfcdLogo, text: 'Price data provided by Warframe.Market', }; } else { return noResultAttachment; } /* istanbul ignore else */ if (attachment.fields.length) { return attachment; } /* istanbul ignore next */ return noResultAttachment; } }