import { colors } from 'warframe-items/utilities'; import { parseDate, toTitleCase } from 'warframe-worldstate-data/utilities'; import ItemConfig from './ItemConfig.js'; import Polarity from './Polarity.js'; import { find } from './Utils.js'; /** * An an item in LoadOutInventory * @module */ export default class LoadOutItem { /** * * @param {Object} weapon The loadout item from LoadoutInventory * @param {string} [locale='en'] The locale to return item in */ constructor(weapon, locale = 'en') { /** * Item ID * @type {String} */ this.itemId = weapon.ItemId.$oid; /** * Item unique name * @type {String} */ this.uniqueName = weapon.ItemType; const item = find(weapon.ItemType, locale); if (item) { /** * Item in-game name * @type {String} */ =; /** * Complete item from Warframe-items * @type {module:"warframe-items".Item} */ this.item = item; } if (weapon.ItemName) { const [, nemesis] = weapon.ItemName.split('|'); if (nemesis !== undefined) { /** * The name of the Lich, Sister, or Technocyte * @type {String} */ this.nemesis = toTitleCase(nemesis); } else { = weapon.ItemName; } } /** * Configuration for this weapon. Such as colors and skins applied by the player * @type {Array<ItemConfig>} */ this.configs = => new ItemConfig(c)); /** * The upgrade that was applied to this weapon * @type {String} */ if (weapon.upgradeType) this.upgradeType = weapon.UpgradeType; /** * Information on the upgradeType that was applied * TODO need model for for fingerprint */ this.upgradeFingerprint = weapon.UpgradeFingerprint; /** * @type {number} */ this.features = weapon.Features; // Not sure what this is for /** * @type {number} */ this.upgradeVer = weapon.UpgradeVer; /** * XP earned with this weapon * @type {number} */ this.xp = weapon.XP; /** * How many mod slots are currently polarized. * @type {number} */ this.polarized = weapon.Polarized; /** * Which polarity types exist on the weapon * @type {Array<Polarity> | undefined} */ this.polarity = weapon.Polarity?.map((p) => new Polarity(p)); /** * Focus lens applied * @type {String} */ this.focuseLens = weapon.FocusLens; // Not sure what this is for /** * @type {number} */ this.customizationSlotPurchases = weapon.CustomizationSlotPurchases; /** * Primary colors applied to item if they exist * @type {module:"warframe-items".ColorMap | undefined} */ if (weapon.pricol) this.primaryColor = colors.mapColors(weapon.pricol); /** * Sigil colors applied to item if they exist * @type {module:"warframe-items".ColorMap | undefined} */ if (weapon.sigcol) this.sigilColor = colors.mapColors(weapon.sigcol.toString(16)); /** * Whether prime details are enabled or not * @type {boolean} */ this.enablePrime = weapon.ugly ?? false; /** * Attachment colors applied to item if they exist * @type {module:"warframe-items".ColorMap | undefined} */ if (weapon.attcol) this.attachmentsColor = colors.mapColors(weapon.attcol.toString(16)); /** * Syandana colors applied to item if they exist * @type {module:"warframe-items".ColorMap | undefined} */ if (weapon.syancol) this.syandanaColor = colors.mapColors(weapon.syancol.toString(16)); /** * If set will show when the player's warframe was infested. * @type {module:"warframe-items".ColorMap | undefined} */ if (weapon.InfestationDate) this.infestationDate = parseDate(weapon.InfestationDate); } }